A co-worker opened a wine bar and I wanted to do something fun for the grand opening. I decided to try my hand at a mixed media art piece. I have been DREAMING about creating something like this for a long time but needed a gentle push. I had painted a couple of desert backgrounds last year and the wine bar is in the desert, I thought maybe one of those backgrounds would work. So with my handy scissors I attacked some of my magazines and was able to find some really awesome wine bottles, pieces of fruit and some great quotes.

Once those were decoupaged onto the canvas and added a coat of really watered down brown paint - which I immediately wiped off with a cloth...... the fun began..... embellishments, embellishments, embellishments.
I honestly thought that it looked kinda funky - but really was not convinced it was "gift worthy." My husband's and daughter's reactions were encouraging and I thought - what the heck.... I will go for it.
Further affirmation came the next day when my daughter was taking one of her clients to a hair salon..... (This hair salon is awesome... I will post pictures at a later time) she saw a mixed media piece that was similar to mine! It even had the rivet embellishments on it. She said it was not as good as mine (which I am not sure if that was bias or not - I refuse to ask). I felt better about giving mine away. Funny thing is I cannot give the receiver of this piece's reaction as she has not seen it yet. She did not come into work so it never made it to the grand opening.
Saturday, my youngest was at an all day babysitting job. After my morning appointment, my Saturday turned into a "work at home day"...... You know.... the kind of day where there are lots of little household chores to do. My husband (who is a musician) had a gig on Saturday afternoon/night. I was all alone for dinner - so I made one of my favorite dishes..... I am the only one in the house who loves Brussels Sprouts... I know, what is wrong with my family..... So I made myself a big old pan of them..... I saute them in olive oil and just a touch of leftover bacon drippings..... mmmmmmm..... Add a bit of Kosher salt, pepper, fresh garlic and chopped onion.....
I cooked a couple of flour tortillas.....
These are delicious and so easy.... If you have never given them a try...... you must! Just cook them in a pan over med heat until they are slightly browned. Makes all the difference in the world.
Yes, this was a delicious dinner! After cleaning up the dishes..... and having the place to my self.... it was time to relax and read.

(I have been reading Joanne Fluke's series of Hannah Swenson... Cookie baker by day and murder sleuth by evening.... very light and fun!)
Sunday was grout day! I got the blue pot done over the course of last week and now can get my hands dirty......
Because of the messy nature of this part of the process... I usually save some pieces to be grouted all at once.... 

I love the black grout. It does turn light as it dries though..... Those pictures will be next time! They need at least 24 hours to dry and then the cleaning begins.
Here is one that I went ahead and washed off a bit to give you an idea......
Time to crochet....
Sweetie, you were one busy girl! Your mixed media apiece is lovely and I know your friend will be thrilled to receive it. :) I can't wait to come your studio during the party. I'm so glad you are jumping in!!!
Thanks Karen..... I very much appreciate your support!