Have been super busy working on secret gifts and new patterns....
This is the "Birthday Celebration Every Weekend" time of the year.... Yup, you guessed it.... everyone in my family (except for me) has a birthday from two weeks ago until the end of May. So I have been busy.... a good busy... but nonetheless B U S Y!
Between cleaning, baking and cooking - there has been no time for blogging.... okay actually no baking (I have decided that the store bought cakes/cupcakes/pies are so IN this year ;) But I did make the super duper yummy pulled pork and the homemade Kansas style bbq sauce for hubby's birthday celebration. Huge success.... with all the credit and thanks going to Gina at skinnytaste.com
Also working on a very top secret project for my oldest daughter's birthday...... Will post pics once the gift has been received!
Also working on a "new to me" pattern for a youth afghan with donated yarn.... As I mentioned here I work with some awesome ladies at my church... not only do we make Prayer Shawls, but we also make youth and baby afghans for a women's and children's shelter and beanies/hats for our Food Pantry. We get a lot of donated yarn and we like to be good stewards and use it! So with the help of Lucy at Attic 24 - I have finally dove hook first into the world of Granny Stripes and I am loving it! I love making Granny Squares anyway! I have some donated variegated purple skeins and a solid purple Pounder - so I am set for a nice sized afghan. While I am only a couple rows into the pattern - it is fantastic and I cannot wait to get it done so I try this edging! A friend started an afghan but was unable to finish it - so she asked me to and I was able to finish it for her..... she lovingly donated it to our ministry.... It is with the same color variation that I am doing the granny stripe with... but this one was a just one large Granny Square.....
This purple is darker than the one I am working on now.
Here is a sneak peek.... mainly because I have not gotten that far....
Do you like the little hook holder? I made it over a year ago.... mainly because I would lose my hooks - they would fall through my bag into never never land.
I will admit that I am very very slow crocheter..... but I do love to crochet. I think it is because I cannot sit for very long (the whole puttering thing) and once I get a few rows hooked - I must get up and go do something else for awhile.
This explains where there are lots and lots of projects going all at once. My youngest daughter even laughs because I have two books going on my NOOK right now... (do any of you have a NOOK or Kindle?) Oh I love my NOOK.... but that is another post....
My tomato plants are doing great.... I took this picture last weekend and they are twice the size now....
So you see..... I have many irons in the fire... I have tried to figure this out and I have come to one conclusion... that whole empty nest thing. Am I filling up my time with lots of creative endeavors because the "little projects" that have occupied my time and mind for twenty years are now not my little projects anymore? (Yup.... my youngest will be TWENTY years old in one week!)
The funny thing is that I cannot imagine how I DID it all those years..... now when I am tired, I go to bed or take a nap.... if I am bored I crochet, or bake or garden or ???????.... Before I did all those things and MORE.... in one day! I cannot even imagine that now.
Back once again to puttering..... taking the time and lots of new projects......
Friday, April 27, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Now my definition of restful may be different from others.. Of course the obvious are there - reading, napping (ohhh that is a good one), crocheting, petting your cat...... but for me......
I love to putter....... but just not any puttering..... for it to be restful there must be no interruptions, no chores, no phones, no meals to make...... just putter time..... To be able do whatever I want to do without any deadlines. Ahhhhh..... that is so relaxing to me.
The job I do which helps to pay the bills.... well... lets just say that there is no creativity whatsoever and it is all about what someone else wants you to do.... ALL THE TIME.... people popping their head in to ask questions, people calling on the phone to ask questions, "where's the paper, where's the toner, where are the envelopes.... how do I do this, how do I do that... and oh the deadlines..... they never stop. This emergency, that rush job, this has to be out by 2:00 p.m., this needed to be done yesterday....... (Now that does not mean that I do not like to help... that is not what I am trying to say here.)
And do not get me wrong.... I am grateful that I have half a brain and can do my job and do it reasonably well. But, when I get home.... the last thing I want is to rush around.
I want to putter. It is that being in the bathtub, bubbles all over the place, candles, soft music kind of relaxing.
It is restful.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Have to ask myself if that is even a word? I need a word for when I take on too many projects, none of which I can even devote the right amount of time to.
Started a garden and apparently I have waited way too long for the veggies that I planted..... {sigh} I wish I did not jump in with both eyes closed..... but the spot is brown and has been for over a year...
This is the view from my back door..... Very brown.... pretty blah.....
So we bought some pretty color and decided that maybe some veggies would be a good idea.....

We have carpeted stairs and they are hard, hard, hard to clean.....
Thank goodness we have such great landlords..... they are happy with us doing a project or two... Anyway, in the very very near future..... I plan to fill in the holes, sand, and paint the wooden stairs and then tile the very top stair....

Pretty awesome I must say! Very yummy...... Empty plate to prove it....
Have lots of craft projects going - but no pictures yet.... a baby blanket to donate, cards, cards, and more cards..... (I never got around to making Easter cards this year which is just a shame). Also working on projects I found on Pinterest.....
All of this also goes hand in hand with joining Sandra over at Cherry Heart for Pretty Crafty Home project.... (you can just click on that awesome button over on the side).
I have to admit that this week was not a stellar one where that silly thing called a "job" is concerned.... but when I was added to the side bar at Cherry Heart - well - that just made my week.... It was a definite boost for me.....
ahhhhh.......... busyness......
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